The setup for the App is very easy is you are also using our Registration system. Most of the work (building teams and rostering) is done through the registration system itself and pushed to the website for you. The only thing you need to do via the website is to add your coaches and add the team(s).

1) Build/Roster/Launch teams through the registration system.

Navigate to this link and then to the Website AND Registration Users section. Make sure you follow ALL of the steps in that section.

2) Add your coaches to their teams.

Best place to do that is by following Step 1 and Step 2 in this article.

3) App Settings

You can change these on a site level or by league, team etc. Here you will find your Team ID, Time Zone, Default Arrival Times etc.

4) Additional places to verify App setup and for Troubleshooting

As Admins on the site, you have access to this page here. It's an important page as it lets you add coaches on the fly AND mass approve any requests to join the teams.

Any teams that don't have coaches on them will be highlighted in Red. You can add coaches on the fly by clicking on the Edit button on the far left of the row.

If there are any pending join requests that the coach hasn't approved yet, the PJR column will show them. You can double click on the number and it will allow you to Approve/Deny these in bulk.

Another spot you can verify/fix issues for the App roster is by going to the team page itself.

Here you can see the players, the coaches, guardians etc. You can also add any of these on the fly by using the Add buttons.

You can double click anyone's name to change their status (Coach, Guardian etc).

You can assign players to their guardians if that hasn't been done already.

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