News Articles

At the Organization Level (Main Site)

Navigate to Content - Basic Features - News Articles. Click Add Article.

Fill out the required information and hit insert. 500 characters will fit in the main section. If you have more information than that, use the Rest of the Article section. Your site's logo will automatically appear as the image. Feel free to change this by clicking in the image box and uploading a new image.

You will now see your article on the list page. You can edit your article by double clicking it. You can delete it by hovering and clicking the trash can. Total views for your article will also appear here.

To have this article appear on ALL TEAM SITES, click Toggle Status to make this a Major Article. It will turn green. You can undo this at anytime by clicking Toggle Status again.

At the Team Level

Articles can also be added at the Team Level. Team Webmasters will have access to this if you have given them a login. These articles will only show on that team's site. You can however click Toggle Status to make this article also appear on the main organization site.

Changing Settings for your Articles

You can do this from the Widget Defaults page:

You can also access these settings by going into your custom template (if you have one) or default template.

Popular options that you can change are: How many articles to show, whether they rotate or list, show the news archive or not etc.


Can someone be notified when we post a new article? Yes, a notification email can automatically be sent to a person or group of people letting them know that a new article is available for viewing on the website as long as they have subscribed to the organization or team page.

How are articles ordered? Most recent articles appear first. Submit Dates are automatically filled in based on the current date. The Submit Date can also be changed to some point in the future, and the article will not appear on the website until that date (and time).

When do articles move to the Other News box? Based on the number of articles you have set the widget to display, they will move over AFTER that number has been reached. For Example: You have your widget set to show 5 articles. The oldest one (6th) would move to the Other News.

How do I access my News Archives page? This page will always be: yourdomain/articles

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