Standard Coupon
Standard coupons are different than Group Coupons as the registrant NEEDS the code to redeem the coupon. Example: The first 4 people to use the code to sign up.
Navigate to Coupons.
Select Standard.
Click Create.
Enter the coupon name. Choose your discount type. Check off the Enable Redemption limit if you would like to limit how many of these coupons are available. Select your Season. Choose your Division if applicable. Only the Season is required.
Hit Create when done.
Your coupons will appear on the main page.
From here, you can use the Actions button to Edit, Expire or View the Registrants.
View Registrants will show you anyone who has redeemed the coupon. TIP: All of these actions are the exact same as you'll find on the regular submission list. You don't have to go to this page to do them. You could find the submission in the regular list and complete the same actions there.
From the Redeemed Coupons Registrations page, you have various options as shown below. You can View the registrant's form, see their summary, Email them, Change Divisions, Invoice them directly, Refund, Deny or Record Payment.
You can reactivate expired coupons later if you want to bring them back.