Initial Setup - Website

This video runs you through how to do the initial App setup for your website. 

A few important things to note after watching the video:

  • Everything can be done via the App by the coach after the set up is done and the coach is added. They do not need to come into the back-end of the website to do anything.
  • There have been some major enhancements in the App since we first launched it. Rosters (emails) used to have to be loaded via the website (that is why you still see options for doing so in the settings); however, the BEST way to do this now is to let parents and players download the App, search for the team themselves and request to join. This takes the workload off of the association from having to enter the parents/players emails and lets people request to join themselves. All the coach needs to do is approve the request right through the App.
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