Creating & Managing Mailing Lists

Mailing lists can be created by using the SmarterTrack email system, external to your MBSportsWeb site.  In order to use this feature, you must have at least 1 email user which has the Domain Administrator box checked. You can do this on your own from the website by going to Control Panel -> Admin -> Email Administration -> Users.  If you edit an email user there's a checkbox that enables domain administration, and more than one person can be setup with that access.

To start, login to the webmail system by clicking the "Webmail" link in the footer of your site.  Login with your full email account and password. 

Once in the system, please locate Domain Settings

Click on Mailing Lists

Click New. Enter a list name. Choose your List Admin (Your admin of the list can be any email account within your association that has admin rights.) Save.

Enter your desired settings. In the Webmail URL line add:

In the Throttling section change Outbound Messages to 5000 and change Outbound Bandwidth to 500. Hit SAVE. (If updating settings within Chrome, please delete any password and website URL that auto-fills within this browser.)

To be in compliance with CASL, you'll want to make sure that you define a footer on your mailing list.  Please follow the "Messages" box along the top row, double click on "Posted message footer" and continue to enter your footer message as suggested below (or as needed).

Once your settings have been completed, footer inserted, you're ready to add your subscribers!  In order to prepare to import a list of subscribers you'll need them to be inserted into an Excel sheet in 1 column, with a header listed as "EmailAddress" (proper case & no space is important) as shown below:

*This file must be saved as a CSV file.

**If there are duplicate email addresses in your sheet the system will detect this and only use the address 1 time

***File must contain 1 tab named "Sheet1", if renamed it will return an error.

When your file is prepared, head into the blue box at the top for "Subscribers" and click the "..." You'll want to select the "Import CSV File" and choose your document as needed.

Once imported, your full list of subscribers will be shown.  If you need to add/delete/edit your subscriber(s) you can manually do so by double-clicking on your subscriber.

Return to your mail.  Start a new message to your new list by simply typing in the mailing list name, followed by the remainder of your domain name such as "".  By setting up a mailing list only the administrator of the list can send, making sure that your member addresses are secure.  No other email address (unless listed as a white-listed poster) can send to your members.

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