Registrations (Form Submissions)

To see a list of EVERY registration, navigate to Form Submissions.

This will show you a list of every registration that has gone through your system. You can see the name/date, Season, the Status and the Division, Form and Date Purchased. You can apply Filters and change the sort.

You can filter by simply clicking on the name of the column (Name, Season etc.


For each registrant, there are multiple actions you can take. TIP: These will vary depending on the status of the registrant.


Allows you to view the form they filled out.

Order Summary

Shows you the complete Order Summary. You can View Payments and the form itself from this section.

Email Contact

Allows you to email the contact directly.

Change Division

Allows you to move a registrant to a new division.

Invoice User

Allows you to invoice this user directly via email.

You can opt to do an offline payment instead of emailing an invoice. TIP: As per the note below, you need to deal with the customer directly for payment and make sure to record the payment once it is received.


You can refund a registrant. If you have enabled the waitlist for this division, it reminds you that the system will notify the next waitlist registrant.


Allows you to deny a registration. You can uncheck the notify registrant box if you wish for this registrant NOT to be notified of the change.

Record Payment

If you have allowed for Offline payments, this section allows you to record the payment once it has been received.

View Payments (Only in REFUND/DENIED Status)

Shows ALL transactions for this registrant.

Reinstate (Only in DENIED Status)

Allows you to reinstate a registrant you had previously denied.

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