
Navigate to Form Submissions - Waitlist.

If you have enabled this feature for any of your Divisions and any participants are currently on them, they will appear here. You can filter by Season, Division and Registrant.


You can View the submission, Email the User, Email the Waitlist, Resend or Send the invitation or remove them from the waitlist.

Send Reservation will send them a reservation manually telling them their spot is available. It allows admins to send invites to specific waitlist people instead of letting the system automatically give the reservations to the oldest people on the list.

By default, the first people to get on the list will be the first people sent reservations once they're available. When adjusting the size of the division to let more people in it will ask if you want to automatically send reservations to the next people (up to your new limit). If you hit yes, it will send them to the people on the list the longest. If you hit no, it will leave the waitlist as is and let you go select the people you want to invite manually. In either case, if the reservation expires without being claimed, the next person in the list will get a chance.

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