Help - Parents

Welcome to the SportsHeadz App!

Please ensure you have already downloaded and created your SportsHeadz account from the App Store or Google Play store.

The first step to using the App is to join a team. This can be done a few different ways.

  1. Search for the team. Enter the Teams area and click the blue plus sign. Click Next. Search for the association and then the team you wish to join. Select your role. Are you a player? Parent/Guardian? Coach? Just a Fan? Click Next. Your request will submit to the coach/manager. It will sit in Pending until it is approved.
  2. Use your Team Code. This will either be provided to you by your coach OR you can find it by navigating to your team site on the association website. Look for this image and click on it. The team code is located at the bottom of that page. Navigate to the Teams section and click the blue plus sign. Choose “I have a code” and enter it. Select your role. Are you a player? Parent/Guardian? Coach? Just a Fan? Click Next. Your request will submit to the coach/manager. It will sit in Pending until it is approved.

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