Creating a Tournament

Navigate to Admin - Manage Seasons - Setup Season Members - Click on your season. Click on Add Tournament. (If you don't see this button, please contact

Enter a name, dates and a basic description of the tournament. You can also enter a logo by clicking in the logo box and uploading an image. Insert and Close when done.

This will activate your Tournament (Brackets) module button in the Control Panel if it wasn't previously there. You can select your Tournament from the list.

Setup Contacts and Version

Please ensure you fill out this page and click Save Tournament Contacts.

Please choose whether you are using the Lite (Core Features ONLY) version of Brackets or the Full Brackets Version. The Full Version will incur the per team Admin fee that is billed AFTER the tournament is over.

Add Tournament Users

Only Users with certain privileges will be able to access the Brackets section. Global Admins will already have access to everything. You can however setup someone to be a Tournament Admin, Tournament Webmaster, Scheduler etc. and they can only access the applicable section of the tournament.

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