Importing Rosters
Instead of manually adding player/coaching rosters to your website, you can also use the Import feature.
Importing Players
Choose Import/Assign Players
Please read the instructions on the page.
This page will allow players to be imported and/or assigned to their teams. Players that already exist (same first name and last name) will not be duplicated, and if the Team is specified then the player will be assigned to that team but only if not already assigned to that team.
You need to use the EXACT excel format that is specified on the page. For a player to be imported into the master list, in addition to the first name and last name, the birthdate and hometown fields are required. If doing an update, the birthdate and hometown are also required. The first name and last name columns are the only ones required when doing an update or assigning to a team.
When you are ready to upload your file, Choose File from your computer and hit Import. Make sure to uncheck the Validation Mode if you are done testing the data.
Importing Coaches
Works the same way as above. Please read the instructions on the page.
When you are ready to upload your file, Choose File from your computer and hit Import. Make sure to uncheck the Validation Mode if you are done testing the data.