Step by Step Online Forms - Videos
The online forms feature of the website is a powerful way to convert any paper-based way of collecting information to online. This can include things like application forms, evaluation forms, feedback, expense claims, and more. In addition, any online form which includes payment can also collect those fees online by using our integrated payment provider, SportsPay. Please contact us for the link to sign up for a SportsPay account.
Creating Forms
This video shows how to create an online form, which is done in three ways. First, you can create a form from scratch and add questions individually. Second, you can copy from another form in your own site. And third, you can create using a script which you can get from a form on another association's website (aka copying from another website). This video also showcases how to edit forms, which is particularly useful if copying from an existing form.
Making Forms Available
This video showcases how to create links on the site to the form(s) which have been created. Online forms are one of the rare types of information which the site does not automatically create links for. So this video shows how to link to a form in the main menu of the site, in a news article, and from within an online library. It also showcases how to limit the number of submissions allowed by the form and how to limit the date ranges available for submissions.
Working With Submissions
This video shows how to view, edit, print, email, or export the submissions to the form(s) setup in the site. It showcases how to delete submissions, either individually or in bulk, and what email notifications are triggered when submissions are deleted (or updated). The submissions report on the site can also be used to filter submissions based on the data entered, which can be useful for checking the payment status for payment-enabled forms.
Other / Advanced Features
This video showcases how to setup "hard" and "soft" limits for the form, adding & managing hidden-field questions, using file attachment questions, and how to attach online payments to a form. For online payment forms, it explains the difference between "required" and "optional" payments, particularly when it comes to sending payment reminder notices.